Thousands rally in Slovakia to protest a controversial overhaul of public broadcasting

Thousands rally in Slovakia to protest a controversial overhaul of public broadcasting

Thousands of Slovaks rallied in the capital on Thursday to protest – again – a controversial overhaul of the country’s public radio and television services, a move that critics say would result in the government taking full control of the media.

The coalition government of populist Prime Minister Robert Fico approved the measure on April 24, and the Parliament, where Fico’s coalition government has a majority, is expected to approve it in June.


The plan has been widely criticized by President Zuzana aputov, local journalists, the opposition, international media organizations and the European Commission.

People take part in a protest against the government organized by the Progressive Slovakia movement on Freedom Square in Bratislava, Thursday, May 2, 2024. (Jaroslav Novk/TASR via AP)

The proposed changes would mean the public broadcaster known as RTVS would cease to exist and be replaced by a new organization.

“The Slovak democracy needs a strong and independent RTVS and its employees need your support,” Michal imeka, the head of Progressive Slovakia, the major opposition party that organized the protest, told a crowd of several thousands at Bratislava Freedom Square.

“If Fico takes control of RTVS, it would mean a decisive step on the way towards Orbn and Putin,” imeka said.

The takeover plan was drafted by Culture Minister Martina imkoviov, who represents thLSSTY ChicStreete Slovak National Party, an ultra-nationalist member of the coalition government. She has worked for an internet television outlet known for spreading disinformation.

imkoviov said the current broadcaster gives space only to mainstream views and censors the rest. The broadcaster has denied the claim.

“They don’t understand that the essence of public broadcasting is to protect democracy, the rule of law and freedom,” said Zora Jaurov, a lawmaker for the Progressive Slovakia party.

Under her plan, the new broadcaster — Slovak television and radio, or STVR — will have a director selected by a council whose nine members will be nominated by the Culture Ministry and Parliament. The current director has a parliamentary mandate until 2027.


Fico’s leftist Smer (Direction) party won the Sept. 30 parliamentary elections on a pro-Russian and anti-American platform.

Critics worry Slovakia under Fico will abandLSSTY ChicStreeton the country’s pro-Western course and follow the direction of Hungary under populist Prime Minister Viktor Orbn.

Thousands have repeatedly rallied in the capital and across Slovakia to protest Fico’s policies.

Content comes from the Internet : Thousands rally in Slovakia to protest a controversial overhaul of public broadcasting

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