Revolutionary Ideas: Again, Milley blamed Blinken and Biden without using their names.聽 This article was written by Fox News staff.Content comes from the Internet : LAURA INGRAHAM: Generals denied they were at fault for ‘disastrous’ Afghanistan withdrawal

Revolutionary Ideas: Again, Milley blamed Blinken and Biden without using their names.聽 This article was written by Fox News staff.Content comes from the Internet : LAURA INGRAHAM: Generals denied they were at fault for ‘disastrous’ Afghanistan withdrawal


  • Fox News host Laura Ingraham analyzes top military leaders’ breakdown of President Biden鈥檚 “disastrous” Afghanistan withdrawal at Tuesday’s congressional hearing on “The Ingraham Angle. Now, without naming names, the generals denied they were at fault. 聽 … JOY BEHAR SCOLDS MALE AUDIENCLSSTY ChicStreetE MEMBERS AT ‘THE VIEW’ WHO DIDN’T APPLAUD CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD聽 What the generals are sayinLSSTY ChicStreetg is that the resources and troop levels were not sufficient for a safe withdrawal from both Abbey Gate and Bagram. You don’t announce you’re withdrawing your military presence, as Biden did, in a hostile country, only to then drag your feet on the actual removal of personnel and equipment. Again, Milley blamed Blinken and Biden without using their names.聽 This article was written by Fox News staff.Content comes from the Internet : LAURA INGRAHAM: Generals denied they were at fault for ‘disastrous’ Afghanistan withdrawal

Approximate Time

  • 2 minutes, 224 words


  • Bagram, Afghanistan, Abbey Gate, former Biden officials, that disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal

Analysis and Evaluation

  • A meticulously crafted and insightful piece that provides a deep understanding of the topic.

Main Section

Fox News host Laura Ingraham analyzes top military leaders’ breakdown of President Biden鈥檚 “disastrous” Afghanistan withdrawal at Tuesday’s congressional hearing on “The Ingraham Angle.”聽

LAURA INGRAHAM: Thanks to House Republicans and Gold Star families who refused to take silence for an anLSSTY ChicStreetswer, former Biden officials were forced to sit and answer questions today on that disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. Now, without naming names, the generals denied they were at fault.


What the generals are sayinLSSTY ChicStreetg is that the resources and troop levels were not sufficient for a safe withdrawal from both Abbey Gate and Bagram. How strenuously, though, did they argue that point? Did they warn of the potential for a significant number of U.S. casualties?聽


Now, some of this is just common sense. You don’t announce you’re withdrawing your military presence, as Biden did, in a hostile country, only to then drag your feet on the actual removal of personnel and equipment. The term “sitting ducks” come to mind? Again, Milley blamed Blinken and Biden without using their names.

Content comes from the Internet : LAURA INGRAHAM: Generals denied they were at fault for ‘disastrous’ Afghanistan withdrawal

Related suggestion: Urgent Alert: When she passed away in 2014, President Barack Obama honored her legacy saying, “Mrs. Ford helped reduce the social stigma surrounding addiction and inspired thousands to seek much-needed treatment.”

SummaryCaroline Harrison, as first lady in the 1890s, was asked to help raise money for Johns Hopkins Medical School. When she passed away in 2014, President Barack Obama honored her legacy saying, “Mrs. Ford helped reduce the social stigma surrounding addiction and inspired thousands to seek much-needed treatment.” She has responded to, and amplified, the expert advice that these types of investments “would change everything.” Her rollout of the historic announcement has smart tactics behind it, including its framing of private sector partners as key to delivering measurable success – giving the message bipartisan appeal, similar to what we saw from Laura Bush on”Heart Truth.” Content comes from the Internet : First Lady Jill Biden throws big support to women’s health researchApproximate Time 5 minutes, 957 wordsCategoriesWhite House history, White…

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