Making Headlines: Now, of course, the Biden campaign, they’re taking their big victory lap last night after what was a strange and bizarre address unlike any we’ve ever seen before.

Making Headlines: Now, of course, the Biden campaign, they’re taking their big victory lap last night after what was a strange and bizarre address unlike any we’ve ever seen before.


  • And perhaps even more alarming for well Joe, is a recent ABC poll shows that what 86% of you, the American people, think he is too old to serve another term in the White House. These are key demographics that helped elect him in the first place. On every single important issue, well Joe Biden is receiving failing grades. Now, of course, the Biden campaign, they’re taking their big victory lap last night after what was a strange and bizarre address unlike any we’ve ever seen before. Video This article was written by Fox News staff.Content comes from the Internet : SEAN HANNITY: Laken Riley’s name was on the button in your hand, how did you still get it wrong?

Approximate Time

  • 2 minutes, 294 words


  • Laken Riley, Lincoln RileLSSTY ChicStreety, Joe Biden, young people, suburban women

Analysis and Evaluation

  • In this article, the author masterfully navigates the complexities of it offering a narrative that is as enlightening as it is engrossing. The piece stands out for its in-depth analysis, seamlessly blending current news and dynamic insights with a storytelling prowess that captivates the reader. The author’s skill in distilling complex information into an accessible format is commendable, making this article a go-to reference for those seeking to stay abreast of its trends and developments. The article not only delivers factual accuracy but also provides a unique perspective, shedding light on underlying issues and emerging patterns in a way that resonates with a broad audience.

Main Section

Fox NewLSSTY ChicStreets host Sean Hannity breaks down President Biden’s State of the Union address on “Hannity.”


HANNITY: Joe. Her name, it was on the button, Laken Riley, not Lincoln RileLSSTY ChicStreety, Laken Riley. You are holding her pin. On the pin – her name was written on it. How did you manage to still get it wrong? The American people, they were taking note, and rightly so. Now, right now, ‘jacked up’ Joe Biden is underwater across the board. Most recent Gallup poll, he’s at a low approval rating, only 38%, a far cry from the 50% threshold that incumbeLSSTY ChicStreetnts typically need if they want to win reelection. And perhaps even more alarming for well Joe, is a recent ABC poll shows that what 86% of you, the American people, think he is too old to serve another term in the White House.

And frankly, he is bleeding support from the Democratic Party base, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, young people, suburban women. These are key demographics that helped elect him in the first place. On every single important issue, well Joe Biden is receiving failing grades. Now, of course, the Biden campaign, they’re taking their big victory lap last night after what was a strange and bizarre address unlike any we’ve ever seen before. And of course, they play the race card. I told you this would happen. That’s their go to card to attack Donald Trump.



Content comes from the Internet : SEAN HANNITY: Laken Riley’s name was on the button in your hand, how did you still get it wrong?

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SummaryCOLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) — The United States expressed concerns over Sri Lanka’s online regulation bill Thursday, a day after it passed overwhelmingly in Parliament over protests by the media, opposition and rights activists. The Online Safety bill allows the government to set up a commission with a wide range of powers, including ordering people and internet service providers to remove online posts deemed “prohibited statements.” It can also legally pursue people who publish such posts. Julie Chung, the U.S. ambassador in Sri Lanka, said the United States has concerns about the potential impact of the legislation and urged “Sri Lanka to prioritize transparency and ensure any legislation does not stifle the voices of its people .” “In addition to jeopardizing democratic values, vague and overly restrictive legislation can hinder…

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