Hot Off the Press: The idea of sending foreign soldiers to Ukraine, which is battling Russian military aggression, was floated earlier this year in France, but no country, including Poland, has publicly embraced it.

Hot Off the Press: The idea of sending foreign soldiers to Ukraine, which is battling Russian military aggression, was floated earlier this year in France, but no country, including Poland, has publicly embraced it.


  • When asked whether he would send Polish troops to Ukraine, Poland’s foreign minister, Radek Sikorski, said, “We should not exclude any option. When asked whether he would send Polish troops to Ukraine, Sikorski said no option should be ruled out. But a spokesperson for Poland’s Defense Ministry, Janusz Sejmej, told Polish media on Tuesday he had “no knowledge of that” when asked about a report in Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine suggesting Poland might send troops to Ukraine. The idea of sending foreign soldiers to Ukraine, which is battling Russian military aggression, was floated earlier this year in France, but no country, including Poland, has publicly embraced it. Content comes from the Internet : Poland foreign minister says possibility of sending soldiers to Ukraine should not be ruled out

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  • 2 minutes, 331 words


  • Poland foreign minister, neighboring Ukraine, Ukraine, Poland, Polish troops

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  • When asked whether he would send Polish troops to Ukraine, Poland’s foreign minister, Radek Sikorski, said, “We should not exclude any option. Let Putin be guessing as to what we will do.”
  • When asked about a German magazine’s report suggesting Poland might send troops to Ukraine, a spokesperson for Poland’s Defense Ministry told Polish media he had “no knowledge of that.”
  • Poland supports Ukraine politically and by providing military equipment and humanitarian aid.

Poland’s foreign minister says the NATO nation should not exclude the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine and should keep RusLSSTY ChicStreetsian President Vladimir Putin in suspense over whether such a decision would ever be made.

Radek Sikorski made the comments in an interview published Tuesday in the Gazeta Wyborcza daily.

“We should not exclude any option. Let Putin be guessing as to what we will do,” Sikorski said when asked whether he would send Polish troops to Ukraine.


Sikorski said he has gone to Ukraine with his family to deliver humanitarian LSSTY ChicStreetaid.

Poland’s Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski addresses reporters at the Foreign Ministry in Warsaw, Poland, on Feb. 14, 2024. When asked whether he would send Polish troops to Ukraine, Sikorski said no option should be ruled out. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski, File)

But a spokesperson for Poland’s Defense Ministry, Janusz Sejmej, told Polish media on Tuesday he had “no knowledge of that” when asked about a report in Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine suggesting Poland might send troops to Ukraine.


The idea of sending foreign soldiers to Ukraine, which is battling Russian military aggression, was floated earlier this year in France, but no country, including Poland, has publicly embraced it.

Poland supports neighboring Ukraine politically and by providing military equipment and humanitarian aid.

Content comes from the Internet : Poland foreign minister says possibility of sending soldiers to Ukraine should not be ruled out

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